速報APP / 活動 / Spirit 2.0

Spirit 2.0





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



Spirit 2.0(圖1)-速報App

Spirit is the official app for Myntra's Leadership Forum. Spirit will be a one-stop destination for Collaboration, Communication & Innovation amongst Myntra's leaders.

This app will be your companion not only during the event but also before and after the Forum, helping you to:

Spirit 2.0(圖2)-速報App

1) Connect with the attendees who have interests similar to yours.

2) Set up meetings with potential attendees (investors, mentors, industry CxOs) by using the chat feature.

Spirit 2.0(圖3)-速報App

3) View the Forum program and explore sessions.

4) Create your own personalized schedule based on your interests and meetings.

Spirit 2.0(圖4)-速報App

5) Get last minute updates on the schedule from the organizers.

6) Access location and speaker information at your fingertips.

Spirit 2.0(圖5)-速報App

7) Interact with the fellow Group Members in a discussion forum and share your thoughts on the event.

Use the app, you'll learn more. Enjoy the app and we hope you have a wonderful time at the Forum!

Spirit 2.0(圖6)-速報App